63rd AFI Symposium – Piero Iamartino’s interview

The eighteenth session of the AFI Symposium will be dedicate to the will be dedicate to the key issues concerning API sector to raise awareness of API manufacturers on the most relevant aspects of their business


The eighteenth session of the AFI Symposium, entitled The role of API in the developments of European Regulation“, is dedicated to active pharmaceutical ingredients and focuses on the regulatory developments expected and their impact on the management of regulatory and production aspects.

In view of the regulatory developments underway at European level and in consideration of the growing importance of the sustainability factor, the meeting will illustrate fondamental aspect linked to this scenario thanks to the three intervents  of Dr Russolo, the current president of Aschimfarma, Dr Fumagalli, director of CPA, and Maggie Saykali, director of EFCG.

In particolar, during the session attention will be paid to the key elements that will impact the management of the regulatory aspects and to the most recent technological approaches for the management of production processes with lower environmental impact will be presented. Furthermore, an update will be presented on the situation of critical APIs under attention due to the risk of shortages and the most recent actions taken by the European authorities for the preparation and management of the health emergency in Europe.

In our video interview, Piero Iamartino, President of the EIPG and moderator of the session scheduled for June 7th, briefly illustrates the three main topics of the session: