MakingLife is an integrated communication system: a multi-channel multimedia platform open at 360° to the entire healthcare system.
MakingLife is a network platform between different professionals in lifesciences, with the aim of detecting knowledge and borderline ambitions that are known, but not really understood and “digested” by the various players in the health system.
The goal is, also in communication area, to break down the silos that have so far characterized the world of life science and healthcare.
MakingPharmaIndustry is the MakingLife platform aimed at the world of pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical and MedTech production and related industries.
MakingPharmaIndustry reflects on the future of healthcare, research, production and clinics in view of innovation.
It deals with medicines – from research and development to production and marketing, of innovative technologies applied to healthcare world, of medical devices, of digital therapies.
The communication is addressed to C-levels of pharmaceutical, biotech, nutraceutical and medical device industries (QP, QA, QC, medical manager, marketing, sales), professionals in the service sector, stakeholders in the health sector, public administration decision makers.
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