Kappa Bioscience announces the industry’s first ‘Brand & Plant’ program

Kappa Bioscience Brand & Plant


On Monday, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published the first part of their Sixth Assessment Report. And the statements are alarming, showing long-term effects of anthropogenic[1] greenhouse gas emissions and their unprecedented damage on the atmosphere, oceans, and lands.

The new IPCC climate change report explains that climate change is widespread, rapid and intensifying – and unquestionably caused by human activities. Increases in CO2 in the air will have a critical long-term impact, through increasing temperatures notably. Temperatures are rising more quickly than we thought, bringing the +1.5C increase to the mid-2030s.

Yet, as per Climate change report, there’s still time to act.

Scientists believe that to limit the worst consequences of climate change, humanity must aim for net zero as soon as possible – by 2050 at the latest. Rapid short-term decarbonization efforts will be crucial this decade.

Brand & Plant program

“The IPCC has been warning for years now. This new climate change report shows there is a need for urgent action. It is time for businesses to take responsibility and engage. Every individual and company can take  actions to reduce the pressure we are putting on our planet,” states Dominik Mattern, Vice President Marketing and Business Sustainability Advisor at Kappa Bioscience.

“In January this year, we have decided to partner with Ecologi, to offset the Kappa Bioscience employees’ carbon emissions completely. In 8 months, over 515 tons of CO2 were offset, by planting close to 12,000 trees and funding various projects. We saw it as a first step,” tells Egil Greve, CEO of Kappa Bioscience.

“We thought about how to employ this environmental element into vitamin K2, and the K2VITAL® brand experience. Thinking of collective action, we offer all our customers regenerative co-branding,” Dominik Mattern continues. “We cover the cost of planting thousands of trees for co-branding agreements with our valued business customers. By doing so, we support creating employment for local families, restoring wildlife habitats, and reducing carbon pollution. All these projects rank highly in terms of climate change solutions. The process is transparent, managed and funded by Kappa Bioscience.”

The company argues that reforestation makes a meaningful contribution to fight climate change. On top those trees will be the homes to many important and diverse ecosystems. “We’re meeting the biggest test of our lifetime. While it sometimes feels out of our control, it’s important to recognize that we can make a difference together. We are grateful for our incredible customers who are – or will be – on this journey with us. “ Mattern concludes.

For more information, watch Kappa’s Brand & Plant video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iE6kQhBVSQ

[1] originating in human activity