Nanobiotechnology is on the stage in Pavia

Nanobiotechnology is on the stage in Pavia

The workshop “From biotechnology to nanobiotechnology and vaccines” organized by the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Department of Molecular Medicine of the University of Pavia will take place in Pavia at the Cairoli College, from 11 to 13 July 2022.

MakingLife is media partner of the event.

Now in its fifth edition, the workshop is also an opportunity to learn more about the Nanomed master (Nanomed Nanomedicines for drug delivery – Erasmus Mundus Initiative) which involves four European universities – Angers, Paris, Pavia and Petras – and is supported by ETPN (European Technology Platform for Nanotechnology) and is open to first and second level graduates from European and non-European countries. The Nanomed program allows you to obtain a Multiple European Master degree.

The Pavia event focuses on biotechnology and nanomedicine applied to drug delivery and is divided into the following sections:

  • Nanoparticles as carriers for oligonucleotides, RNA, peptides and vaccines;
  • Monoclonal antibodies;
  • Development and characterization of nanocarrier design;
  • Miscellaneous in nanobiotechnology.

The workshop is a good opportunity to bring together the Nanomed consortium, and is a meeting for the scientific community involved in nanomedicine and also serves as a podium for the master’s thesis of Nanomed students.